Thursday, May 31, 2012

Home is where your heart is...

After living in crappy apartments, I decided that enough was enough.  The first house we looked at was still available, and after some negotiating, we decided to take it!

It's absolutely perfect for us - three bedrooms, a large kitchen, office, dining room, living room and a HUGE yard.  We're so happy!

I will post pictures when we're more unpacked.  We've been there for a month, and things are still not quite finished - hanging pictures and finding a home for all of our books.  Little Toots love it, and still calls it "new house".  I hope we can buy it in the future.

Sorry this is such a short post!  I felt like I needed to end the story of finding a place to live, but I don't have time to write it creatively.

On a side note, tomorrow starts Camp Nanowrimo!  It's another chance to write 50,000 words in one month.  Go to to sign up!

Good luck!

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