The morning sickness hasn't been too bad. I'm mostly just nauseous, but I haven't puked - yet. With Little Toots, I was sick every day for 15 weeks, so I think it's just a matter of time before I start bowing to the porcelain goddess.
My boobs are huge.
I have to pee a lot, but that's not really any different than any other time! LOL
The only other thing that's really changed is the fact that I want to murder my husband on an hourly basis. Everything he says or does pisses me off. I'm going to assume I'm hormonal, but I frequently picture me kneeing him directly in the testicles. When I get home, I'm tired, and I don't want to do all the cleaning that he expects to be done before he gets home. I literally have two hours between walking in the door and J pulling in the driveway. In that amount of time, I feed the kid, the dog, the fish, do the dishes, get Toots to use the potty and/or clean up the mess she's made in her pants, give her a bath, and usually something extra like start the laundry. No, I'm not vacuuming. No, I'm not cleaning the toilets. I just WANT TO SIT DOWN!! I feel like he was much more supportive during my first pregnancy, but then again we didn't have a toddler running around then...
Meanwhile, my first appointment isn't for another MONTH! It seems so far away, I don't know if I can wait!
Well, that's it for now - stayed tuned!